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Fast averaging., и . ISIT, стр. 2153-2157. IEEE, (2011)Congestion control meets medium access: throughput, delay, and complexity., , и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 399-400. ACM, (2012)Low-Complexity Scheduling Algorithms for Multichannel Downlink Wireless Networks., , , и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 20 (5): 1608-1621 (2012)Scheduling in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Rate Function Optimality in the Small-Buffer Regime., , , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 60 (2): 1101-1125 (2014)Low-complexity Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-channel Downlink Wireless Networks., , , и . INFOCOM, стр. 2222-2230. IEEE, (2010)Scheduling in multi-channel wireless networks: rate function optimality in the small-buffer regime., , , и . SIGMETRICS/Performance, стр. 121-132. ACM, (2009)Expressive Analytical Model for Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks., , и . ICC, стр. 2134-2140. IEEE, (2008)Polynomial-complexity, low-delay scheduling for SCFDMA-based wireless uplink networks., и . INFOCOM, стр. 575-579. IEEE, (2013)Interference is not noise., , и . Allerton, стр. 119-126. IEEE, (2011)Random access over multiple access channels: A queuing perspective., , и . CISS, стр. 797-802. IEEE, (2008)