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Human finding and body property estimation by using floor segmentation and 3D labelling., , , , and . SMC (3), page 2924-2929. IEEE, (2004)A Computer-Aided Ergonomic Assessment and Product Design System Using Digital Hands., , , , , and . HCI (12), volume 4561 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 833-842. Springer, (2007)A Hand Grasped Object Segmentation Method Using Kinect Sensor and Body Dimension Database., , , , and . SMC, page 3102-3107. IEEE, (2013)Analysis of human hand posture to estimate mouse-operation., , , and . SMC, page 3446-3451. IEEE, (2003)A body dimensions estimation method of subject from a few measurement items using KINECT., , , , and . SMC, page 3384-3389. IEEE, (2012)Modeling of human hand link structure from optical motion capture data., , , and . IROS, page 2129-2135. IEEE, (2004)Finger joint kinematics from MR images., , , and . IROS, page 2750-2755. IEEE, (2005)Multiple regression based imputation for individualizing template human model from a small number of measured dimensions., , , , , and . EMBC, page 2188-2193. IEEE, (2016)Knowledge extraction by probabilistic cognitive structure modeling using a Bayesian network for use by a retail service., , , , and . MEDES, page 141-148. ACM, (2009)Model-based 3D human shape estimation from silhouettes for virtual fitting., , , and . Three-Dimensional Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, volume 9013 of SPIE Proceedings, page 901307. SPIE, (2014)