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Vision-inertial system calibration for tracking in augmented reality., , и . ICINCO, стр. 156-162. INSTICC Press, (2005)Robust augmented reality tracking based visual pose estimation., , и . ICINCO-RA, стр. 346-351. INSTICC Press, (2006)Real-Time Detection of Low-Textured Objects Based on Deep Learning., , и . MMSP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)A CNN-based model for low-textured object detection and tracking., , и . ICCP, стр. 221-227. IEEE, (2023)An Evaluation of Camera Pose Methods for an Augmented Reality System: Application to Teaching Industrial Robots., , , и . Trans. Comput. Sci., (2013)Open Augmented Reality System For Mobile Markerless Tracking., , и . ICIP, стр. 2591-2595. IEEE, (2020)Vision-inertial tracking system for robust fiducials registration in augmented reality., , и . CIMSIVP, стр. 83-90. IEEE, (2009)A performance study for camera pose estimation using visual marker based tracking., , , и . Mach. Vis. Appl., 21 (3): 365-376 (2010)Multimodal 2D/3D Registration for Open Augmented Reality Applications., и . ISM, стр. 84-85. IEEE, (2022)Real-Time Indoor Object Detection Based on Hybrid CNN-Transformer Approach., , и . ECAI, том 392 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 459-466. IOS Press, (2024)