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Symbolic Cost Estimation of Parallel Applications.. Euro-Par, том 2400 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 147-156. Springer, (2002)LLB: A Fast and Effective Scheduling Algorithm for Distributed-Memory Systems., , и . IPPS/SPDP, стр. 525-530. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)On the complexity of list scheduling algorithms for distributed-memory systems., и . International Conference on Supercomputing, стр. 68-75. ACM, (1999)Computing Minimal Diagnoses by Greedy Stochastic Search., , и . AAAI, стр. 911-918. AAAI Press, (2008)A method for parallel program generation with an application to the Booster language., , и . ICS, стр. 457-469. ACM, (1990)Mapping Unstructured Applications into Nested Parallelism., , и . VECPAR, том 2565 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 407-420. Springer, (2002)Scalability Analysis of Parallel Finite Element Methods Using Performance Simulation., и . EUROSIM, стр. 261-266. Elsevier, (1995)Preemptive Task Scheduling for Distributed Systems (Research Note)., и . Euro-Par, том 1900 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 272-276. Springer, (2000)Solving Strong-Fault Diagnostic Models by Model Relaxation., , и . IJCAI, стр. 785-790. (2009)Expressiveness versus optimizability in coordinating parallelism., , , , и . PARCO, стр. 526-533. Imperial College Press, (1999)