Author of the publication

Human Computing and Machine Understanding of Human Behavior: A Survey.

, , , and . Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing, volume 4451 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 47-71. Springer, (2007)

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Socially aware media.. ACM Multimedia, page 690-695. ACM, (2005)Good vibrations: model dynamics for graphics and animation., and . SIGGRAPH, page 215-222. ACM, (1989)Social signals, their function, and automatic analysis: a survey., , , and . ICMI, page 61-68. ACM, (2008)Extraction Of Deformable Part Models.. ECCV, volume 427 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 397-407. Springer, (1990)Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior., and . Neural Comput., 11 (1): 229-242 (1999)Detecting Anomalous Behaviors Using Structural Properties of Social Networks., , , , , , and . SBP, volume 7812 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 433-440. Springer, (2013)Modeling Infection with Multi-agent Dynamics., , and . SBP, volume 7227 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 172-179. Springer, (2012)Smart rooms, desks and clothes.. ICASSP, page 171-174. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Sensor-Based Feedback Systems in Organizational Computing., , , and . CSE (4), page 966-969. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)A Wearable Computer Based American Sign Language Recognizer., , and . ISWC, page 130-137. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)