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Gamifying Electronic Negotiation Training - A Mixed Method Study of Students' Motivation, Engagement and Learning., , и . ECIS, (2020)CoShare: a Multi-Pointer Collaborative Screen Sharing Tool., , , и . MuC, стр. 325-329. ACM, (2023)Sketching with Hardware: A course for teaching Interactive Hardware Prototyping to Computer Science Students., и . MuC (Workshopband), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2019)Demonstrating ScreenshotMatcher: Taking Smartphone Photos to Capture Screenshots., , , , и . MuC, стр. 586-589. ACM, (2021)Demonstration of an Infrared Pen as an Input Device for Projected Augmented Reality Tabletops., , и . MuC, стр. 584-586. ACM, (2022)Determining the Orientation of Low Resolution Images of a De-Bruijn Tracking Pattern with a CNN., , и . SIGGRAPH Posters, стр. 49:1-49:2. ACM, (2022)Computing 2-Walks in Polynomial Time., и . STACS, том 30 из LIPIcs, стр. 676-688. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2015)Automatisierte Erkennung potentieller Faserverbundbauteile und Bestimmung des variablen Faserverlaufs, , и . IPEK - Institut für Produktentwicklung am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, (2011)Plane and simple.. Saarland University, Germany, (2019)Stimulation Signal Processing for Intraocular Vision Implants.. CBMS, стр. 285-. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)