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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

PyCT: A Python Concolic Tester., , , , und . APLAS, Volume 13008 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 38-46. Springer, (2021)Optimal sanitization synthesis for web application vulnerability repair., , , , , und . ISSTA, Seite 189-200. ACM, (2016)Validation of QSCAT-1 Geophysical Model Function Using Seawinds Level 2 and Buoy Data., , , , , und . IGARSS (1), Seite 339-342. IEEE, (2008)A Field-based Database Management Method for City Air Pollutants Information System., , , und . IGARSS (3), Seite 1296-1299. IEEE, (2008)A knowledge-based decision making tool in competitive environments., , , und . BIC-TA, Seite 359-363. IEEE, (2010)Hierachically Classifying Chinese Web Documents without Dictionary Support and Segmentation Procedure., , , , und . Web-Age Information Management, Volume 1846 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 215-226. Springer, (2000)A precision agriculture management system based on Internet of Things and WebGIS., , , und . Geoinformatics, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Biparti Majority Learning with Tensors., , und . BigData Congress, Seite 224-227. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Cost-sensitive approximate attribute reduction with three-way decisions., und . Int. J. Approx. Reason., (2019)The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Art Design in the Digital Age., und . Sci. Program., (2021)