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Localization and Matching Using the Planar Trifocal Tensor With Bearing-Only Data., , and . IEEE Trans. Robotics, 24 (2): 494-501 (2008)Nonholonomic Epipolar Visual Servoing., , , , and . ICRA, page 2378-2384. IEEE, (2006)REDCHO: Robust Exact Dynamic Consensus of High Order., , and . Autom., (2022)Distributed outer approximation of the intersection of ellipsoids., , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Fast distributed consensus with Chebyshev polynomials., , and . ACC, page 5450-5455. IEEE, (2011)All-in-one: Certifiable Optimal Distributed Kalman Filter under Unknown Correlations., , and . CDC, page 6578-6583. IEEE, (2021)A new model of electromechanical relays for predicting the motion and electromagnetic dynamics., , and . IAS, page 1-8. IEEE, (2015)Event-Based Visual Tracking in Dynamic Environments., , and . ROBOT (1), volume 589 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, page 175-186. Springer, (2022)On modeling and simulation of a cooking system., , , and . MED, page 88-93. IEEE, (2013)Pose-estimation-based visual servoing for differential-drive robots using the 1D trifocal tensor., and . IROS, page 5942-5947. IEEE, (2009)