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Blended, not stirred: Multi-concern visualization of large software systems.

, , , and . VISSOFT, page 106-115. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)

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Software Analytics for Mobile Applications-Insights & Lessons Learned., and . CSMR, page 144-153. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Visualizing the Evolution of Working Sets., , and . VISSOFT, page 141-150. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)SYN: Ultra-Scale Software Evolution Comprehension., , , and . ICPC, page 69-73. IEEE, (2023)Visualizing Data in Software Cities., , , and . VISSOFT, page 145-149. IEEE, (2021)Voronoi Evolving Treemaps., , and . VISSOFT, page 1-5. IEEE, (2021)CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality?, , , , and . VISSOFT, page 12-22. IEEE, (2021)SODA: the stack overflow dataset almanac., , , , and . MUD@ICSME, page 1-5. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Free Hugs - Praising Developers for Their Actions., , and . ICSE (2), page 555-558. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)ISBN 978-1-4799-1934-5 (Vol. I + II ???).Blended, not stirred: Multi-concern visualization of large software systems., , , and . VISSOFT, page 106-115. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Using discord conversations as program comprehension aid., , , and . ICPC, page 597-601. ACM, (2022)