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Enhancing Wireless Mesh Network performance using cognitive radio with smart antennas., , и . ISPACS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2011)Multi-Micro Processor System: Another Viewpoint (Response)., и . IFIP Congress, стр. 955-956. North-Holland/IFIP, (1986)A probabilistic routing by using multi-hop retransmission forecast with packet collision-aware constraints in vehicular networks., , и . Ad Hoc Networks, (2014)Applications of SIMD computers in signal processing., и . AFIPS National Computer Conference, том 51 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 135-142. AFIPS Press, (1982)A Duplication Based Compile Time Scheduling Method for Task Parallelism., и . Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages, том 1808 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 649-682. Springer, (2001)Doubly connected multi-dimensional regular topologies for MANs and LANs., , и . INFOCOM, стр. 551-557. IEEE, (1988)Shuffled tree based fault-tolerant hierarchical interconnection networks., и . Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel Computations, том 21 из DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 251-265. DIMACS/AMS, (1994)Creating a more efficient Internet of Things through predictive analysis of resources., и . LATINCOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)QoS-aware Node Selection Algorithm for Routing Protocols in VANETs., , , и . MoWNet, том 40 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 66-73. Elsevier, (2014)A Pipelined Pseudoparallel System Architecture for Motion Analysis.. ISCA, стр. 21-36. IEEE Computer Society, (1981)