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A 3GPP-Based Height-Dependent LoS Probability Model for A2G Communications., , , , , , and . WCSP, page 1-5. IEEE, (2021)A Novel Segment-Based Model for Non-Stationary Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channels With Velocity Variations., , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)A Practical Non-Stationary Channel Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle MIMO Communications., , , , , and . WCNC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)A Data-Driven Multi-Height Empirical LoS Probability Model for Urban A2G Channels., , , , , , , and . VTC Spring, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Multistage Polymerization Network for Multiperson Pose Estimation., , , and . J. Sensors, (2021)Domain-Driven LLM Development: Insights into RAG and Fine-Tuning Practices., , , and . KDD, page 6416-6417. ACM, (2024)Vehicle Lighting Recognition System Based on Erosion Algorithm and Effective Area Separation in 5G Vehicular Communication Networks., , , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)Apparent plasticity in functional traits determining competitive ability and spatial distribution: a case from desert, , , , , and . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (July 2015)Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth, water use, yield and grain quality of wheat under two soil water levels, , , and . Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 104 (3): 493--507 (December 2004)A novel high-order associative memory system via discrete Taylor series., , and . IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 14 (4): 734-747 (2003)