Author of the publication

Building Smart Adaptable Cyber-Physical Systems: Definitions, Classification and Elements.

, , , , , and . UCAmI, volume 9454 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 144-149. Springer, (2015)

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Improving Learning Tasks for Mentally Handicapped People Using AmI Environments Based on Cyber-Physical Systems., , , , , and . UCAmI (1), volume 10069 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 166-177. (2016)Smart Dynamic Pricing Based on ECA Rules and Electronic Ink Labeling for Retail., , , , and . UCAmI, volume 8867 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 468-475. Springer, (2014)Towards a Simulation of AmI Environments Integrating Social and Network Simulations., , , , , and . AmILP@ECAI, volume 1778 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2016)Distributed Query Results and IoT Data in a Publish-Subscribe Network Implementing User Notifications., , , , , and . AINA Workshops, page 778-783. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Smart Product Management in Retail Environment Based on Dynamic Pricing and Location Services., , , , and . UCAmI, volume 8867 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 171-178. Springer, (2014)A Case Study for Validating a Prosumer Framework in Drug Traceability Scenarios., , , and . UCAmI, volume 8276 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 311-318. Springer, (2013)An autonomous information device with e-paper display for personal environments., , , , and . ICCE, page 139-140. IEEE, (2016)Decision Making Environment Based on Prosumer Services for Tracing Drugs in a Hospital Pharmacy Department., , , and . UCAmI, volume 8867 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 324-332. Springer, (2014)A Four-Leaf Clover Shape Methodology for Prosumer Service Developments., , , , and . UCAmI, volume 8867 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 488-495. Springer, (2014)A Systematic Approach for Service Prosumerization in IoT Scenarios., , , and . IMIS, page 494-499. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)