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Iapetus'geophysics: Rotation rate, shape, and equatorial ridge, , , , , and . Icarus, 190 (1): 179--202 (2007)Release of volatiles from a possible cryovolcano from near-infrared imaging of Titan, , , , , , , , , and 16 other author(s). Nature, 435 (7043): 786--789 (2005)Tidally heated convection: Constraints on Europa's ice shell thickness, , and . Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 108 (E11): 5124 (2003)Titan's internal structure inferred from a coupled thermal-orbital model, , , , and . Icarus, 175 (2): 496--502 (2005)A new family of planets? ``Ocean-Planets'', , , , , , , , , and . Icarus, 169 (2): 499--504 (June 2004)Cassini VIMS observations of the Galilean satellites including the VIMS calibration procedure, , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). Icarus, 172 (1): 104--126 (2004)Detection of sub-micron radiation from the surface of venus by Cassini/VIMS, , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). Icarus, 148 (1): 307--311 (2000)Principal components analysis of Jupiter VIMS spectra, , , , , , , , , and 17 other author(s). PLANETARY IONOSPHERES AND ATMOSPHERES INCLUDING CIRA, 34 (8): 1640--1646 (2004)On the internal structure and dynamics of Titan, , and . Planetary and Space Science, 48 (7-8): 617--636 (2000)Solid tidal friction above a liquid water reservoir as the origin of the south pole hotspot on Enceladus, , and . Icarus, 196 (2): 642--652 (2008)