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Anytime Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees

, , , , and . Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, page 46--53. (1998)

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Anytime Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees, , , , and . Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, page 46--53. (1998)Action ethics for a software development class., and . Inroads, 8 (1): 38-42 (2017)Action ethics: testing and data analysis., and . Inroads, 9 (1): 34-37 (2018)The system architecture of the distributed computer system - The communication system, and . page pp. 21-27. Brooklyn, NY, USA, Brooklyn Polytechnic Press, (April 1972)Software Cost and Productivity Model, , , , and . ATR-2004(8311)-1. Aerospace Corporation, (February 2004)