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Smart rewiring for network robustness, , , и . Journal of Complex Networks, 1 (2): 150--159 (19.09.2013)Lattice Boltzmann Model for Electronic Structure Simulations, , и . XXVI IUPAP CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (CCP2014), том 640 из Journal of Physics Conference Series, DIRAC HOUSE, TEMPLE BACK, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND, IUPAP; APS; Boston Coll; Clark Univ; Harvard Univ, Inst Appl Computat Sci; NE Univ; Univ Massachusetts Amherst; Univ Massachusetts Boston; Intel Corp; Cambridge Univ Press; Elsevier; Inst Phys Publishing; Amer Inst Phys Publishing, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, (2015)26th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP), Boston Univ, George Sherman Union, Boston, MA, AUG 11-14, 2014.Percolation with long-range correlated disorder, , , , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, (2013)Flow Through Randomly Curved Manifolds, , и . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (2013)Lattice Boltzmann model for ultrarelativistic flows, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW D, (2013)Midair Collisions Enhance Saltation, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, (2013)Relativistic lattice Boltzmann model with improved dissipation, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW D, (2013)Subcritical fatigue in fuse networks, , , и . EPL, (2012)Watersheds are Schramm-Loewner Evolution Curves, , , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, (2012)Inverse targeting -An effective immunization strategy, , и . EPL, (2012)