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Tomographic flow cytometry as the key-enabling technology for label-free liquid biopsy., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). MED, page 267-272. IEEE, (2021)Distributed Ledger Technology for Smart Mobility: Variable Delay Models., , , and . CDC, page 8447-8452. IEEE, (2019)Revealing fire survivors hidden behind smoke and flames by IR active imaging systems., , , , and . ICCST, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Ad-hocChain: Cooperative Sharing and Trading Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle Charging Networks., , , and . ITSC, page 207-212. IEEE, (2019)Microplastic Identification via Holographic Imaging and Machine Learning., , , , , , and . Adv. Intell. Syst., 2 (2): 1900153 (2020)Respiratory Aware Routing for Cyclists., , and . CoRR, (2022)Detecting Collagen Molecules at Picogram Level through Electric Field-Induced Accumulation., , , , , , , , and . Sensors, 20 (12): 3567 (2020)Spatial Positioning Token (SPToken) for Smart Mobility., , , , , and . ICCVE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Feedback Control for Distributed Ledgers: An Attack Mitigation Policy for DAG-Based DLTs., , , and . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 69 (8): 5492-5499 (August 2024)On Optimal Battery Sizing for Electric Vehicles., , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)