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Smart privacy-preserving screen based on multiple sensor fusion., , , и . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 59 (1): 136-143 (2013)Employing the One-Sender-Multiple-Receiver Technique in Wireless LANs., , , и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 21 (4): 1243-1255 (2013)Eyes Never Lie!: Hand Eye Coordination Patterns Analysis for Text-graph Separation., , , , и . CCHI, стр. 60-64. ACM, (2017)A Method for Detecting Surface Defects in Insulators Based on RPCA., , , и . ICIG (2), том 10667 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 163-173. Springer, (2017)Formal Analysis of Dynamic Domain Establishment Protocol in Cloud Logging Service., и . EWDC, том 7869 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 24-38. Springer, (2013)Less reused filter: improving l2 cache performance via filtering less reused lines., , , и . ICS, стр. 68-79. ACM, (2009)An Buffering Optimization Algorithm for Cooperative Mobile Service., , , , , и . SmartCom, том 10135 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 86-94. Springer, (2016)Caption-aided speech detection in videos., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 141-144. IEEE, (2008)Hierarchical Construction of Teaching Faculty in Computer Organization and Design., , , и . CSEDU (2), стр. 261-264. INSTICC Press, (2010)Modeling and Electrical Simulations of Thin-Film Gated SOI Lateral PIN Photodetectors for High Sensitivity and Speed Performances., , , , и . NCCET, том 396 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 235-243. Springer, (2013)