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Knowing and the mystique of logic and rules : including true statements in knowing and action; computer modelling of human knowing activity; coherent description as the core of scholarship and science

. Studies in cognitive systems ; 18 Kluwer, Dordrecht u.a., (1995)by Peter Naur. 23 cm. Incl. bibliogr. references and index. $5GBV.

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Knowing and the mystique of logic and rules : including true statements in knowing and action; computer modelling of human knowing activity; coherent description as the core of scholarship and science. Studies in cognitive systems ; 18 Kluwer, Dordrecht u.a., (1995)by Peter Naur. 23 cm. Incl. bibliogr. references and index. $5GBV.Thinking and Turing's Test.. BIT, 26 (2): 175-187 (1986)Computing versus human thinking. Communications of the ACM, 50 (1): 85-94 (2007)Computing: A Human Activity. acm-press-books, New York, (1992)Programming Languages Are Not Languages -- Why 'Programming Language' Is a Misleading Designation. Computing: A Human Activity, ACM Press, (1992)PARA'96 Conference Dinner Talk, 1996 August 20.. PARA, Volume 1184 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 529-533. Springer, (1996)'Datalogy', the science of data and data processes.. IFIP Congress (2), Seite 1383-1387. (1968)Transcripts of presentations., und . HOPL, Seite 139-161. Academic Press / ACM, (1978)Formalization in Program Development.. BIT, 22 (4): 437-453 (1982)Invited talk: Three Notions of Proof.. Designing Correct Circuits, Volume A-5 von IFIP Transactions, Seite 97-101. North-Holland, (1992)