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A Simple Online Competitive Adaptation of Lempel-Ziv Compression with Efficient Random Access Support., , , and . DCC, page 113-122. IEEE, (2013)On the Time and Space Complexity of Computation Using Write-Once Memory Or Is Pen Really Much Worse Than Pencil?, , and . Math. Syst. Theory, 25 (2): 141-159 (1992)Non-Abelian Homomorphism Testing, and Distributions Close to Their Self-convolutions., , , and . APPROX-RANDOM, volume 3122 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 273-285. Springer, (2004)Automatic two-fingered grip selection., , , , , and . ICRA, page 890-896. IEEE, (1986)On the learnability of discrete distributions., , , , , and . STOC, page 273-282. ACM, (1994)Approximating the Minimum Spanning Tree Weight in Sublinear Time., , and . SIAM J. Comput., 34 (6): 1370-1379 (2005)Testing monotone high-dimensional distributions., and . STOC, page 147-156. ACM, (2005)Exactly Learning Automata with Small Cover Time., and . COLT, page 427-436. ACM, (1995)Learning Distributions from Random Walks., , and . COLT, page 243-249. ACM, (1997)Testing Probability Distributions Underlying Aggregated Data., and . ICALP (1), volume 8572 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 283-295. Springer, (2014)