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A Convolution Neural Network Based Nursing-Care Text Classification Model with a New Filter for Expressing Dependency Relations of Words., , , , and . SMC, page 875-880. IEEE, (2018)A matrix-based feature vector definition and a SVM-BDT-based classification system for classifying nursing-care texts., , , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1-5. IEEE, (2015)Consideration about Utilizing Text Architecture for Making Feature Vectors in Classifying Nursing-Care Texts., , , , and . SMC, page 1817-1821. IEEE, (2013)Feature Definition Using Dependency Relations between Terms for Improving Nursing-care Text Classification., , , and . ICETET, page 110-115. IEEE, (2012)A directed graph based feature definition for classifying nursing-care texts., , , and . SMC, page 3691-3695. IEEE, (2014)Nursing Quality Related to Medical Incidents., , , , and . ICETET, page 116-119. IEEE, (2012)Fuzzy Rule Extraction from Nursing-Care Texts., , , , and . ISMVL, page 30-35. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Web-Based Nursing Care Quality Improvement System with Fuzzy Recommendation System., , , , and . ISMVL, page 7-11. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Nursing-care text evaluation using word vector representations realized by word2vec., , , , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 2165-2169. IEEE, (2016)Soft class decision for nursing-care text classification using a k-nearest neighbor based system., , , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1825-1830. IEEE, (2014)