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Proportional fair scheduling based On primary user traffic patterns for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks.

, , , , and . ICCC, page 302-306. IEEE, (2012)

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Proportional fair scheduling based On primary user traffic patterns for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks., , , , and . ICCC, page 302-306. IEEE, (2012)Flexible Orthogonal Code for CDMA Based MIMO-OFDM Systems with Space-Time-Frequency Spreading., , , , and . ICC, page 5140-5144. IEEE, (2008)Discerning Direct and Indirect Paths: Principle and Application in Passive Target Positioning Systems., and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2011)DeepFusion: Lidar-Camera Deep Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). CVPR, page 17161-17170. IEEE, (2022)Robust energy detection in cognitive radio., , , , , and . IET Commun., 3 (6): 1016-1023 (2009)Indirect path detection of passive localization based on wireless propagation measurements., and . ICUWB, page 472-476. IEEE, (2012)Estimation of multiple target location in multi-path wireless systems., and . GLOBECOM, page 4319-4324. IEEE, (2013)Robust Energy Detection Based on Bayesian Estimation for Cognitive Radio., , , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 2967-2971. IEEE, (2008)Correlation between Local Sensors in Hard Cooperative Spectrum Sensing: Beneficial or Detrimental?, , , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 2993-2997. IEEE, (2008)Implicit Feedback Recommendation Method Based on User-Generated Content., , , , and . Sci. Program., (2021)