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Iterative approach to optimizing convergence routing priorities.

, , and . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 5 (4): 530-542 (1997)

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Design and Analysis of a Hybrid Access Control to an Optical Star Using WDM., and . INFOCOM, page 20-31. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Emerging Data Communication Standards., and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 34 (8): 36 (1996)Fractional Lambda Switching™., and . ICC, page 2692-2696. IEEE, (2002)Adaptive Real-Time Group Multicast., , and . INFOCOM, page 683-691. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Approximating Max-Min Fair Rates via Distributed Local Scheduling with Partial Information., , and . INFOCOM, page 928-936. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Reliable Concurrent Multicast from Bursty Sources., and . INFOCOM, page 1433-1441. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Access regulation mechanism for switch-based LAN., and . Comput. Networks, 31 (5): 505-518 (1999)The TrustedFlow (TM) Protocol-Idiosyncratic Signatures for Authenticated Execution., , and . IAW, page 288-291. IEEE, (2003)Reducing Global Address Recognition Delays in Local Area Networks with Spatial Bandwidth Reuse., and . Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 26 (11): 1375-1384 (1994)Distributed Global Event Synchronization in a Fiber Optic Hypergraph Network., and . ICDCS, page 307-315. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)