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Lifting scheme and image coding: average interpolating image coding., и . ISSPA, стр. 561-564. IEEE, (2001)High order discriminant analysis based on Riemannian optimization., и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2020)Manifold Learning Based on Straight-Like Geodesics and Local Coordinates., , , и . IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., 32 (11): 4956-4970 (2021)Maximum Discriminant Difference Criterion for Dimensionality Reduction of Tensor Data., , и . IEEE Access, (2020)RKHS subspace domain adaption via minimum distribution gap., , , , и . Pattern Anal. Appl., 26 (3): 1425-1439 (августа 2023)The framework of learnable kernel function and its application to dictionary learning of SPD data., , , и . Pattern Anal. Appl., 24 (2): 723-739 (2021)Domain adaption based on source dictionary regularized RKHS subspace learning., , , и . Pattern Anal. Appl., 24 (4): 1513-1532 (2021)Embedded Morphological Dilation and Variable Run Length Wavelet Coding., и . MUE, стр. 1244-1248. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Document Analysis Based on Multi-view Intact Space Learning with Manifold Regularization., и . IScIDE, том 10559 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-51. Springer, (2017)An improved HLLE algorithm based on the midpoint-nearest neighborhood selection., , , и . ICAL, стр. 185-190. IEEE, (2012)