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Influence of Visual Technology on the Evolution of Language Environments., и . Computer, 22 (10): 9-22 (1989)1997 Visual Programming Challenge Summary., , , , и . VL, стр. 11-18. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Keyboardless Visual Programming Using Voice, Handwriting, and Gesture., и . VL, стр. 28-35. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Invocation Polymorphism., и . VL, стр. 83-90. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Visual languages and the conflict between single assignment and iteration., и . VL, стр. 138-143. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)Efficiency Issues in a Class of Visual Language., и . VL, стр. 209-214. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)Construction and manipulation of dynamic icons., и . VL, стр. 78-83. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)Public Programming in a Web World., и . VL, стр. 100-107. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)A Declarative Approach to Event-Handling in Visual Programming Languages., и . VL, стр. 34-40. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Generalizing Event Detection and Response in Visual Programming Languages., и . Advanced Visual Interfaces, том 36 из World Scientific Series in Computer Science, стр. 334-347. World Scientific, (1992)