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Towards high level SaaS maturity model: Methods and case study., , и . APSCC, стр. 273-278. IEEE, (2009)A semantic Web based model for product cooperative design., , , и . CSCWD (2), стр. 1177-1182. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)1-84600-002-5.Cooperative design and data management of virtual museum based on Voronoi diagram., , , , и . CSCWD (2), стр. 889-892. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)1-84600-002-5.A Solution for Resource Sharing in Manufacturing Grid., , , , и . CSCWD (Selected papers), том 3865 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 235-243. Springer, (2005)WSRF-Based Virtualization for Manufacturing Resources., , , , и . ICEIS (4), стр. 132-137. (2006)A piecewise linear representation method based on importance data points for time series data., , , , , и . CSCWD, стр. 111-116. IEEE, (2016)A service-oriented architecture of virtual enterprise for manufacturing industry., , и . CSCWD, стр. 373-377. IEEE, (2010)High-Precision Indoor Fingerprint Localization Based on Graph Neural Network., , , , и . SMC, стр. 4083-4089. IEEE, (2023)Learning Component-Level and Inter-Class Glyph Representation for few-shot Font Generation., , , и . ICME, стр. 738-743. IEEE, (2023)Real-Time Collaborative Design System for Product Assembly Over the Internet., , и . BASYS, том 220 из IFIP, стр. 253-260. Springer, (2006)