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Toffee: enabling ad hoc, around-device interaction with acoustic time-of-arrival correlation., , , , , and . Mobile HCI, page 67-76. ACM, (2014)ViBand: High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers., , and . UIST, page 321-333. ACM, (2016)HomeProxy: a physical proxy for video messaging in the home., , , , , and . CSCW Companion, page 293-296. ACM, (2013)Probabilistic palm rejection using spatiotemporal touch features and iterative classification., , , , and . CHI, page 2009-2012. ACM, (2014)Augmenting the Field-of-View of Head-Mounted Displays with Sparse Peripheral Displays., and . CHI, page 1221-1232. ACM, (2016)TouchTools: leveraging familiarity and skill with physical tools to augment touch interaction., , , and . CHI, page 2913-2916. ACM, (2014)GestureCanvas: A Programming by Demonstration System for Prototyping Compound Freehand Interaction in VR., , , , and . UIST, page 102:1-102:17. ACM, (2023)MeCap: Whole-Body Digitization for Low-Cost VR/AR Headsets., , , and . UIST, page 453-462. ACM, (2019)How Should I Respond to "Good Morning?": Understanding Choice in Narrative-Rich Games., and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 726-744. ACM, (2022)Press A or Wave: User Expectations for NPC Interactions and Nonverbal Behaviour in Virtual Reality., and . Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 8 (CHI): 1-25 (2024)