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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

An iterated channel estimation and tracking scheme for space-time code systems., , , und . ICAIT, Seite 38:1-38:4. ACM, (2008)An analysis and implementation study on a robust congestion controller for the internet., , , und . ICAIT, Seite 42:1-42:6. ACM, (2008)Achievable rate for a mobile molecular communication system invited paper., , , , , und . ISPACS, Seite 838-843. IEEE, (2017)Offset estimation for clock synchronization in mobile molecular communication system., , und . WCNC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Study of effect of timeout settings on energy saving of lighting systems using queuing model., , und . ICICS, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2011)Backup Routing for Multimedia Transmissions over Mesh Networks., , , und . ICC, Seite 3829-3834. IEEE, (2007)A cross-layer elastic CAC and holistic opportunistic scheduling for QoS support in WiMAX., und . Comput. Networks, 54 (7): 1155-1168 (2010)WiDIGR: Direction-Independent Gait Recognition System Using Commercial Wi-Fi Devices., , , und . IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7 (2): 1178-1191 (2020)A Certificateless Authentication Protocol for D2D Group Communications in 5G Cellular Networks., , und . GLOBECOM, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Proactive load balancing with admission control for heterogeneous overlay networks., und . Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 13 (18): 1671-1680 (2013)