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Statistical characterization of texture with an application to automated inspection : (Original French title: `Description statistique de textures: application à l'inspection automatique'). Signal Processing, 8 (1): 137--137 (февраля 1985)A family of polynomial spline wavelet transforms, , и . Signal Processing, 30 (2): 141--162 (января 1993)Iterative restoration of noisy elastically distorted periodic images, , и . Signal Processing, 17 (3): 191--200 (июля 1989)Fast space-variant elliptical filtering using box splines, , и . CoRR, (2010)Orthogonal quincunx wavelets with fractional orders., , и . ICIP (1), стр. 606-609. IEEE, (2001)WSPM or How to Obtain Statistical Parametric Maps using Shift-Invariant Wavelet Processing., , и . ICASSP (5), стр. 1101-1104. IEEE, (2006)CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent Image Reconstruction., , , , и . CoRR, (2017)B-Spline-Based Exact Discretization of Continuous-Domain Inverse Problems With Generalized TV Regularization., , , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 65 (7): 4457-4470 (2019)Multigrid image reconstruction from arbitrarily spaced samples., , , и . ICIP (3), стр. 381-384. IEEE, (2002)Efficient Image Resizing Using Finite Differences., , и . ICIP (3), стр. 662-666. IEEE, (1999)