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Layered Routing in Irregular Networks., , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 17 (1): 51-65 (2006)A proposal for managing ASI fabrics., , , , , and . J. Syst. Archit., 54 (7): 664-678 (2008)One-fault tolerance arid beyond in wormhole routed meshes., , and . Microprocess. Microsystems, 21 (7-8): 471-480 (1998)iFDOR: dynamic rerouting on-chip., , and . INA-OCMC@HiPEAC, page 11-14. ACM, (2011)Efficient and Contention-Free Virtualisation of Fat-Trees., , , , and . IPDPS Workshops, page 754-760. IEEE, (2011)Applying the DiffServ Model on Cut-Through Networks., , and . PDPTA, page 1089-1098. CSREA Press, (2003)Adaptive Routing in InfiniBand Hardware., , , , , , and . CCGRID, page 463-472. IEEE, (2022)A distributed approach to handle topological changes in advanced switching., , , , and . PM2HW2N, page 37-44. ACM, (2007)Achieving Predictable High Performance in Imbalanced Fat Trees., , , , , and . ICPADS, page 381-388. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Topic 13: High-Performance Networks., , , and . Euro-Par, volume 5168 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 898. Springer, (2008)