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Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis from an Algebraic Perspective., , и . CRYPTO (3), том 12827 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 247-277. Springer, (2021)Moving a Step of ChaCha in Syncopated Rhythm., , , и . CRYPTO (3), том 14083 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 273-304. Springer, (2023)Efficient Private Multiset ID Protocols., , , и . ICICS, том 14252 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 351-369. Springer, (2023)Oblivious Transfer from Rerandomizable PKE., , и . ICICS, том 14252 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 128-145. Springer, (2023)Defending Blind DDoS Attack on SDN Based on Moving Target Defense., , и . SecureComm (1), том 152 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 463-480. Springer, (2014)Stability of nonlinear feedback shift registers., и . Sci. China Inf. Sci., 59 (1): 1-12 (2016)De Bruijn Sequences, Adjacency Graphs, and Cyclotomy., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 64 (4): 2941-2952 (2018)Robust Face Clustering Via Tensor Decomposition., , , и . IEEE Trans. Cybern., 45 (11): 2546-2557 (2015)Novel Omega-protocols for NP., и . Sci. China Ser. F Inf. Sci., 51 (1): 40-52 (2008)Constructing parallel long-message signcryption scheme from trapdoor permutation., , , и . Sci. China Ser. F Inf. Sci., 50 (1): 82-98 (2007)