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Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Deploying and Operating Large-Scale Data-Centric Parallel File Systems., , , , , , , , , и 7 other автор(ы). SC, стр. 217-228. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)A multi-faceted approach to job placement for improved performance on extreme-scale systems., , , , и . SC, стр. 1015-1025. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Evaluating Burst Buffer Placement in HPC Systems., , , , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 1-11. IEEE, (2019)Active flash: towards energy-efficient, in-situ data analytics on extreme-scale machines., , , , , , и . FAST, стр. 119-132. USENIX, (2013)Automatic identification of application I/O signatures from noisy server-side traces., , , и . FAST, стр. 213-228. USENIX, (2014)An Analysis of System Balance and Architectural Trends Based on Top500 Supercomputers., , , , и . HPC Asia, стр. 11-22. ACM, (2021)Lazy Checkpointing: Exploiting Temporal Locality in Failures to Mitigate Checkpointing Overheads on Extreme-Scale Systems., , и . DSN, стр. 25-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)GPU age-aware scheduling to improve the reliability of leadership jobs on Titan., , , , и . SC, стр. 7:1-7:11. IEEE / ACM, (2018)stdchk: A Checkpoint Storage System for Desktop Grid Computing., , , и . ICDCS, стр. 613-624. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Positioning Dynamic Storage Caches for Transient Data., , , и . CLUSTER, IEEE Computer Society, (2006)