Author of the publication

Happy Together: Learning and Understanding Appraisal From Natural Language.

, , and . AffCon@AAAI, volume 2328 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 50-59., (2019)

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Transition to Adulthood for Young People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Emotion Detection and Topic Modeling., , , , , , , and . SBP-BRiMS, volume 13558 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 219-228. Springer, (2022)LaMini-LM: A Diverse Herd of Distilled Models from Large-Scale Instructions., , , , and . EACL (1), page 944-964. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)NADI 2020: The First Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task., , , and . WANLP@COLING, page 97-110. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)No Army, No Navy: BERT Semi-Supervised Learning of Arabic Dialects., and . WANLP@ACL 2019, page 279-284. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2019)Decentralized Multi-sensor Scheduling for Multi-target Tracking and Identity Management., and . ECC, page 1804-1809. IEEE, (2019)Beyond Geolocation: Micro-Dialect Identification in Diaglossic and Code-Switched Environments, , , and . Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), page 5855--5876. Online, Association for Computational Linguistics, (November 2020)Toward Micro-Dialect Identification in Diaglossic and Code-Switched Environments., , , and . EMNLP (1), page 5855-5876. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Decay No More: A Persistent Twitter Dataset for Learning Social Meaning., , and . ICWSM Workshops, (2022)BERT-Based Arabic Social Media Author Profiling., and . FIRE (Working Notes), volume 2517 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 84-91., (2019)NADI 2021: The Second Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task., , , , and . WANLP, page 244-259. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)