National identity, popular culture and everyday life
T. Edensor. Berg, Oxford, (2002)Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis
Popular culture, everyday life and the matrix of national identity. Theories of nationalism : reductive cultural perspectives. Popular culture and national identity. Everyday life and national identity. Conceptualising identity. The redistribution of national identity
Geography and landscape : national places and spaces. The nation as bounded space. Ideological rural national landscapes. Iconic sites. Sites of popular culture and assembly. Familiar, quotidian landscapes. Dwellingscapes. Homely space. Conclusion
Performing national identity. Formal rituals and invented ceremonies. Popular rituals : sport and carnival. Staging the nation. Everyday performances : popular competencies, embodied habits and synchronised enactions. Conclusion
Material culture and national identity. Social relations and object worlds. Commodities and national identity. Material culture and semiotics. Things in place and out of place. The biographies of objects. Automobiles and national car cultures. Conclusion
Representing the nation : scottishness and Braveheart. Introducing Braveheart. Scotland in film. Battles over Braveheart. Celebrating Braveheart. Criticising Braveheart. Recycling images : the tourist industry, heritage and film in Scotland. Geographies of William Wallace. Other representations of Wallace. Performances and rituals : re-presenting Wallace. The reception of Braveheart outside Scotland. Conclusion
Exhibiting national identity at the turn of the millennium. 'Self-portrait' at the Millennium Dome. The 'andscape'. Interpretation of the 'andscape'..
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National identity, popular culture and everyday lifeT. Edensor. Berg, Oxford, (2002)Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis
Popular culture, everyday life and the matrix of national identity. Theories of nationalism : reductive cultural perspectives. Popular culture and national identity. Everyday life and national identity. Conceptualising identity. The redistribution of national identity
Geography and landscape : national places and spaces. The nation as bounded space. Ideological rural national landscapes. Iconic sites. Sites of popular culture and assembly. Familiar, quotidian landscapes. Dwellingscapes. Homely space. Conclusion
Performing national identity. Formal rituals and invented ceremonies. Popular rituals : sport and carnival. Staging the nation. Everyday performances : popular competencies, embodied habits and synchronised enactions. Conclusion
Material culture and national identity. Social relations and object worlds. Commodities and national identity. Material culture and semiotics. Things in place and out of place. The biographies of objects. Automobiles and national car cultures. Conclusion
Representing the nation : scottishness and Braveheart. Introducing Braveheart. Scotland in film. Battles over Braveheart. Celebrating Braveheart. Criticising Braveheart. Recycling images : the tourist industry, heritage and film in Scotland. Geographies of William Wallace. Other representations of Wallace. Performances and rituals : re-presenting Wallace. The reception of Braveheart outside Scotland. Conclusion
Exhibiting national identity at the turn of the millennium. 'Self-portrait' at the Millennium Dome. The 'andscape'. Interpretation of the 'andscape'..
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