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FlashFusion: Real-time Globally Consistent Dense 3D Reconstruction using CPU Computing., and . Robotics: Science and Systems, (2018)A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction., , and . LREC, European Language Resources Association, (2008)Generalized Hierarchical Sparse Model for Arbitrary-Order Interactive Antigenic Sites Identification in Flu Virus Data., , , and . KDD, page 865-874. ACM, (2016)Fast Component Pursuit for Large-Scale Inverse Covariance Estimation., , and . KDD, page 1585-1594. ACM, (2016)An Ocean Wave Spectrum Derived from Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer Data., , , and . IGARSS (4), page 1169-1172. IEEE, (2008)Human-in-the-loop Regular Expression Extraction for Single Column Format Inconsistency., , , , and . WWW, page 3859-3867. ACM, (2023)Intelligence behind annotations: a study of understanding interaction behavior when the human is in the loop. University of Queensland, Australia, (2021)MixMBR: Contrastive Learning for Multi-behavior Recommendation., , and . DASFAA (2), volume 13944 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 434-445. Springer, (2023)Floodgate: taming incast in datacenter networks., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). CoNEXT, page 30-44. ACM, (2021)Using Deep Active Learning to Save Sensing Cost When Estimating Overall Air Quality., , , , and . GPC, volume 12398 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 189-204. Springer, (2020)