Author of the publication

Hamiltonians and Riccati Equations for Linear Systems with Unbounded Control and Observation Operators.

, , and . SIAM J. Control. Optim., 50 (3): 1518-1547 (2012)

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Hamiltonians and Riccati Equations for Linear Systems with Unbounded Control and Observation Operators., , and . SIAM J. Control. Optim., 50 (3): 1518-1547 (2012)Acceleration measured by micro-electrical mechanical systems., and . CDC, page 1713-1718. IEEE, (2010)Port-Hamiltonian Structure of Interacting Particle Systems and Its Mean-Field Limit., and . Multiscale Model. Simul., 22 (4): 1247-1266 (2024)Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain., , and . Math. Control. Signals Syst., 36 (4): 957-977 (December 2024)Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain., , and . CoRR, (2023)Operator Splitting Based Dynamic Iteration for Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems., , , and . CoRR, (2022)Port-Hamiltonian Systems Modelling in Electrical Engineering., , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Corrigendum: Noncoercive Lyapunov Functions for Input-to-State Stability of Infinite-Dimensional Systems., , , and . SIAM J. Control. Optim., 61 (3): 1910-1911 (June 2023)Krylov type methods exploiting the quadratic numerical range., , , , and . CoRR, (2019)On Exact Controllability of Infinite-Dimensional Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems., and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 3 (3): 661-666 (2019)