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80 GHz VCO with Slow-wave Coplanar Stripline Synthesized Differential Inductor., , , and . ICECS, page 461-464. IEEE, (2018)7-mm low-latency inter-chiplet serial link with silicon interposer., , , , and . MWSCAS, page 683-686. IEEE, (2020)mm-Wave Single-Pole Double-Throw switches: HBT- vs MOSFET-based designs., , , , , , , and . NEWCAS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2021)77.8 GHz Standing-wave Oscillator Based on a Tuneable Slow-wave Coplanar Stripline Resonator., , , , , and . NEWCAS, page 18-21. IEEE, (2020)Ultra-fast CV methods (< 10µs) for interface trap spectroscopy and BTI reliability characterization using MOS capacitors., , , , , , , , and . IRPS, page 3. IEEE, (2022)Novel FDSOI band-modulation device: Z2-FET with Dual Ground Planes., , , , and . ESSDERC, page 210-213. IEEE, (2016)Sharp-switching Z2-FET device in 14 nm FDSOI technology., , , , and . ESSDERC, page 250-253. IEEE, (2015)DGS-SMS Compact Fifth Order Low Pass Filter., , , , and . HPCS, page 274-277. IEEE, (2017)An oscillation-based test technique for on-chip testing of mm-wave phase shifters., , , , , and . VTS, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Design of a 77-GHz LC-VCO With a Slow-Wave Coplanar Stripline-Based Inductor., , , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 67-I (2): 378-388 (2020)