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CoMoGCN: Coherent Motion Aware Trajectory Prediction with Graph Representation., , , и . BMVC, BMVA Press, (2020)ASCEND: A Spontaneous Chinese-English Dataset for Code-switching in Multi-turn Conversation., , , , , , , , , и 4 other автор(ы). LREC, стр. 7259-7268. European Language Resources Association, (2022)A one-pass strategy for keyword spotting and verification., и . ICASSP, стр. 377-380. IEEE, (2001)The memristive grid outperforms the resistive grid for edge preserving smoothing., и . ECCTD, стр. 181-184. IEEE, (2009)Autonomous learning of active multi-scale binocular vision., , , , и . ICDL-EPIROB, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2013)Reducing Stress and Anxiety in the Metaverse: A Systematic Review of Meditation, Mindfulness and Virtual Reality., , , , , и . CoRR, (2022)ERIT Lightweight Multimodal Dataset for Elderly Emotion Recognition and Multimodal Fusion Evaluation., и . CoRR, (2024)Hallucinations in Neural Automatic Speech Recognition: Identifying Errors and Hallucinatory Models., и . CoRR, (2024)Offset Calibration for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Gaze Decomposition., и . WACV, стр. 259-268. IEEE, (2020)Estimating Multiple Emotion Descriptors by Separating Description and Inference., и . CVPR Workshops, стр. 2391-2399. IEEE, (2022)