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Noxes: a client-side solution for mitigating cross-site scripting attacks., , , и . SAC, стр. 330-337. ACM, (2006)CLAPP: characterizing loops in Android applications., , , , и . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, стр. 687-697. ACM, (2015)Understanding fraudulent activities in online ad exchanges., , , , , и . Internet Measurement Conference, стр. 279-294. ACM, (2011)Practical Attacks against the I2P Network., , , и . RAID, том 8145 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 432-451. Springer, (2013)An Intrusion Detection System for Aglets., , и . Mobile Agents, том 2535 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 64-77. Springer, (2002)On the Detection of Anomalous System Call Arguments., , , и . ESORICS, том 2808 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 326-343. Springer, (2003)Towards Detecting Compromised Accounts on Social Networks., , , и . CoRR, (2015)Why Johnny Can't Pentest: An Analysis of Black-Box Web Vulnerability Scanners., , и . DIMVA, том 6201 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 111-131. Springer, (2010)On the Security and Engineering Implications of Finer-Grained Access Controls for Android Developers and Users., , , , , , и . DIMVA, том 9148 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 282-303. Springer, (2015)Drops for Stuff: An Analysis of Reshipping Mule Scams., , , , , , , и . CCS, стр. 1081-1092. ACM, (2015)