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Multimedia information retrieval: what is it, and why isn't anyone using it?, , , , и . Multimedia Information Retrieval, стр. 3-8. ACM, (2005)Mining adjacent markets from a large-scale ads video collection for image advertising., , , и . SIGIR, стр. 893-894. ACM, (2010)Adaptive Filtering and Indexing for Image Databases., , , и . Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), том 2420 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 12-23. SPIE, (1995)Mobile multimedia services., , , и . WWW (Special interest tracks and posters), стр. 795. ACM, (2005)Object-level ranking: bringing order to Web objects., , , и . WWW, стр. 567-574. ACM, (2005)Time-dependent semantic similarity measure of queries using historical click-through data., , , , , и . WWW, стр. 543-552. ACM, (2006)Rethinking multimedia search in the "clients + cloud" era.. LS-MMRM@ACM Multimedia, стр. 1-2. ACM, (2009)Detecting geographic locations from web resources., , , , и . GIR, стр. 17-24. ACM, (2005)Mining correlation between locations using human location history., , , и . GIS, стр. 472-475. ACM, (2009)Mining geographic knowledge using location aware topic model., , , и . GIR, стр. 65-70. ACM, (2007)