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A Minimal Information Prisoner's Dilemma on Evolving Networks, , и . Artificial Life, том X из Bradford Books, стр. 438. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, (2006)Cryptography with cellular automata., и . Appl. Soft Comput., 1 (2): 151-160 (2001)Empirical analysis of the evolution of a scientific collaboration network, и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 385 (2): 750--764 (15.11.2007)The POE Model of Bio-Inspired Hardware Systems: A Short Introduction, , , , , и . Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, стр. 510. Stanford University, CA, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (13-16 July 1997)Experimental Study of Isolated Multipopulation Genetic Programming, , , и . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), стр. 536. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (10-12 July 2000)Parallel Genetic Programming Induction of Binary Decision Diagrams, , и . 7. Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland, (ноября 1995)Mutual Trust and Cooperation in the Evolutionary Hawks-Doves Game, , и . (сентября 2009)Are Cells Really Operating at the Edge of Chaos? - A Case Study of Two Real-Life Regulatory Networks., , , , и . ECAL (1), том 5777 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 281-288. Springer, (2009)Introduction to Complex Networks.. GECCO (Companion), стр. 163-178. ACM, (2015)Artificially Evolved Asynchronous Cellular Automata for the Density Task., и . ACRI, том 2493 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 44-55. Springer, (2002)