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Scalable and Iterative Image Super-resolution using DCT Interpolation and Sparse Representation., и . VISAPP (1), стр. 463-470. SciTePress, (2015)Video Quality Metric for Streaming Service Using DASH Standard., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Broadcast., 62 (3): 628-639 (2016)On the design of a tuple space-based platform for IMS networks., и . ICIN, стр. 100-107. IEEE, (2012)Adaptive learning in the educational e-LORS system: an approach based on preference categories., , , и . Int. J. Learn. Technol., 6 (4): 341-361 (2011)SentiMeter-Br: A new social web analysis metric to discover consumers' sentiment., , и . ISCE, стр. 153-154. IEEE, (2013)A billing system model for voice call service in cellular networks based on voice quality., , и . ISCE, стр. 89-90. IEEE, (2013)A Continuous Authentication System Based on User Behavior Analysis., , , и . ARES, стр. 380-385. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Monitoring system for potential users with depression using sentiment analysis., , , , и . ICCE, стр. 381-382. IEEE, (2016)Development of a naive bayes classifier for image quality assessment in biometric face images., , , и . WebMedia, стр. 177-180. ACM, (2019)Improvement of Response Time by Running Games on a Cloud Gaming System with Layer Vatcher and Movement Prediction., , , и . WebMedia, стр. 421-424. ACM, (2017)