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The role of educational technology in establishing a "learning society".

, and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 30 (4): 374-376 (1999)

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The role of educational technology in establishing a "learning society"., and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 30 (4): 374-376 (1999)Reality bytes: examining the rhetoric of widening educational participation via ICT., and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 34 (2): 169-181 (2003)The ‘Compleat’ Design Experiment: from soup to nuts, , , and . (2006)What kind of creature is a design experiment?, , and . British Educational Research Journal, 30 (4): 577--590 (2004)The 'Compleat' Design Experiment: from soup to nuts, , , and . Handbook of design research methods in education: Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching, (2008)Exploring Modeling Aspects of Design Experiments, and . Educational Researcher, 32 (1): 29–31 (2003)The value-added of primary schools: what is it really measuring?. Educational Review, (2008)The modifiable areal unit problem: segregation between schools and levels of analysis., , and . International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6 (1): 41--60 (2003)