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Animation Support in a User Interface Toolkit: Flexible, Robust, and Reusable Abstractions.

, and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 57-67. ACM, (1993)

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A User Interface Management System which Supports Direct Manipulation. Department of Comp. Sc., University of Colorado, Boulder, Ph.D. Thesis, (1986)Incremental Attribute Evaluation: an Algorithm for Lazy Evaluation in Graphs. Technical Report, TR~87--20. University of Arizona, Tucson, (1987)Distinguishing Users By Pointing Performance in Laboratory and Real-World Tasks, , , and . ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 5 (2): 5:1--5:27 (October 2013)Knowledgeable development environments using shared design models., , , , , , and . IUI, page 63-70. ACM, (1993)Use of the Backseat Driving Technique in Evaluation of a Perceptually Optimized In-Car Navigation Display., , , and . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction, 31 (2): 128-138 (2015)A Tool for Creating Predictive Performance Models from User Interface Demonstrations., , , and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 93-102. ACM, (1999)Linking and Messaging from Real Paper in the Paper PDA., , and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 179-186. ACM, (1999)Aesthetic information collages: generating decorative displays that contain information., , and . UIST, page 141-150. ACM, (2001)A nose gesture interface device: extending virtual realities., , , , and . UIST, page 65-68. ACM, (1991)Foldable interactive displays., , and . UIST, page 287-290. ACM, (2008)