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A Suppliers Searcher Agent Based on FIS-CRM Used in E-commerce Websites., , , и . IC-AI, стр. 50-55. CSREA Press, (2004)Conceptual matching in web search using FIS-CRM for representing documents., , и . EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 63-66. University of Applied Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz, Germany, (2003)Fuzzy Search Platform applied to XML Native databases., , , и . IC-AI, стр. 602-607. CSREA Press, (2008)FIS-CRM: A Representation Model Based on Fuzzy Interrelations for Internet Search., , и . IC-AI, стр. 219-224. CSREA Press, (2002)Improving Internet Intelligent Agents Using Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining Techniques., , и . IC-AI, стр. 225-230. CSREA Press, (2002)Inference Based on Fuzzy Deformable Prototypes for Information Filtering in Dynamic Web Repositories., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2007)A Methodology for Intelligent E-Mail Management., , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 11-16. (2005)Clustered Organized Conceptual Queries in the Internet Using Fuzzy Interrelations., , и . AWIC, том 2663 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 37-45. Springer, (2003)fzMail: A Fuzzy Tool for Organizing E-Mail., , , и . IC-AI, стр. 888-904. CSREA Press, (2003)Proposal of a Document Cluster Representation based on Fuzzy Deformable Prototypes., , и . EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 1237-1242. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)