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Exploiting coalition in co-evolutionary learning., , и . CEC, стр. 1268-1275. IEEE, (2000)Evolving artificial neural networks for DNA microarray analysis., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2370-2377. IEEE, (2003)Evolutionary ensemble classifier for lymphoma and colon cancer classification., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2378-2385. IEEE, (2003)MEH: modular evolvable hardware for designing complex circuits., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 92-99. IEEE, (2003)Fitness approximation for genetic algorithm using combination of approximation model and fuzzy clustering technique., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2010)An efficient genetic algorithm with less fitness evaluation by clustering., и . CEC, стр. 887-894. IEEE, (2001)Speciated GA for optimal ensemble classifiers in DNA microarray classification., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 590-597. IEEE, (2004)Predicting the success of bank telemarketing using deep convolutional neural network., , , и . SoCPaR, стр. 314-317. IEEE, (2015)Multiple recognizers system using two-stage combination., , , и . ICPR, стр. 581-585. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Context-Adaptive User Interface in Ubiquitous Home Generated by Bayesian and Action Selection Networks., , и . UIC, том 5061 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 158-168. Springer, (2008)