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Dynamics of viscoelastic liquid filaments: Low capillary number flows, , и . Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 150 (2-3): 211--225 (14.04.2008)New perspectives in autonomic design patterns for stream-classification-systems, , и . WRASQ '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Automating service quality, стр. 34--37. ACM, (2007)Formalization of autonomic heuristics-driven systems, и . 2008-TR-004. ISTI-CNR, (2008)Self-Optimizing Classifiers: Formalization And Design Pattern, , , и . From Grids to Service and Pervasive Computing, Springer, (июля 2008)A formal checklist for self-optimizing strategy-driven priority classification system, , и . 2008-TR-005. ISTI-CNR, (2008)