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Data Mining in Data Warehouses., , and . SEBD, page 51-65. (1999)Support driven opportunistic aggregation for generalized itemset extraction., , , , and . IEEE Conf. of Intelligent Systems, page 102-107. IEEE, (2010)Data mining techniques for effective and scalable traffic analysis., , and . Integrated Network Management, page 105-118. IEEE, (2005)Eurecom-Polito at TRECVID 2017: Hyperlinking task., , , and . TRECVID, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2017)RIB: A Robust Itemset-based Bayesian approach to classification., and . Knowl. Based Syst., (2014)A persistent HY-Tree to efficiently support itemset mining on large datasets., , and . SAC, page 1060-1064. ACM, (2010)Conservative Timestamp Revisited for Materialized View Maintenance in a Data Warehouse., , and . VIEWS, page 1-9. (1996)Index Support for Mining Data Streams in a Relational DBMS., , , and . SEBD, page 240-247. (2005)Design of Active Rule Applications: Issues and Approaches., , , and . DOOD, volume 1013 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-18. Springer, (1995)Machine Learning Supported Next-Maintenance Prediction for Industrial Vehicles., , , , , , and . EDBT/ICDT Workshops, volume 2578 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)