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Retargeting Visual Data with Deformation Fields., , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Enhancing digital documents by including 3D-models., , and . Comput. Graph., 22 (6): 655-666 (1998)Greedy Image Approximation for Artwork Generation via Contiguous Bézier Segments., , and . VMV, page 123-131. Eurographics Association, (2023)Generalizing feature preservation in iso-surface extraction from triple dexel models., , , , and . Comput. Aided Des., (2024)SurfaceMapComputation and ViewMap software., , , and . (May 2022)Retargeting Visual Data with Deformation Fields., , , , , and . ECCV (54), volume 15112 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 271-288. Springer, (2024)Highly accurate digital traffic recording as a basis for future mobility research: Methods and concepts of the research project HDV-Mess., , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2021)OpenFlipper - An Open Source Geometry Processing and Rendering Framework., and . EEFSW, volume 14 of Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, page 31-36. Shaker, (2011)City Reconstruction and Visualization from Public Data Sources., , , , and . UDMV, page 79-85. Eurographics Association, (2016)Variational Tangent Plane Intersection for Planar Polygonal Meshing., , , and . AAG, page 319-332. Springer, (2012)