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Prof-Life-Log: Analysis and classification of activities in daily audio streams., , , and . ICASSP, page 4719-4723. IEEE, (2015)On the Competitive Neyman-Pearson Approach for Composite Hypothesis Testing and its Application in Voice Activity Detection., , and . ICASSP (3), page 301-304. IEEE, (2006)Automatic audio sentiment extraction using keyword spotting., , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2709-2713. ISCA, (2015)Toeplitz Inverse Covariance Based Robust Speaker Clustering for Naturalistic Audio Streams., , and . INTERSPEECH, page 416-420. ISCA, (2019)Environmentally aware voice activity detector., , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2929-2932. ISCA, (2007)Improved parcel sorting by combining automatic speech and character recognition., , and . ESPA, page 52-55. IEEE, (2012)Speech under physical stress: A production-based framework., , and . ICASSP, page 5146-5149. IEEE, (2010)Automatic language analysis and identification based on speech production knowledge., , and . ICASSP, page 5006-5009. IEEE, (2010)Robust overlapped speech detection and its application in word-count estimation for Prof-Life-Log data., , , and . ICASSP, page 4724-4728. IEEE, (2015)Improved voice activity detection via contextual information and noise suppression., , and . ISCAS (2), page 868-871. IEEE, (2005)