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Active edge maps for medical image registration., и . Image Processing, том 4322 из SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2001)Correlation of hemodynamic forces and atherosclerotic plaque components., , , и . Image-Guided Procedures, том 7625 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 76250G. SPIE, (2010)The kriging update model and recursive space-time function estimation., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 47 (11): 2942-2952 (1999)Vorticity Imaging of Diastolic Cardiac Inflow by Phase-Contrast MRI., , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 300-303. IEEE, (2004)Image segmentation based on Bayesian network-Markov random field model and its application to in vivo plaque composition., , , и . ISBI, стр. 141-144. IEEE, (2006)MR Tag Surface Tracking using a Spatio-temporal Filter/Interpolator., и . ICIP (1), стр. 699-703. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Relationships between local geometrical features and hemodynamic flow properties., , , и . EMBC, стр. 723-726. IEEE, (2013)Generating 3-D Cardiac Material Markers Using Tagged MRI., и . IPMI, том 1230 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 313-326. Springer, (1997)Modeling hemodynamic forces in carotid artery based on local geometric features., , , и . Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 54 (9): 1437-1452 (2016)